Help your child learn to regulate their emotions with these helpful techniques
What is regulation, and why is it Important for your child? Regulation is the ability to manage one’s emotions and behaviours in response to internal… read more
Teaching children problem-solving in 5 steps
As parents, we want our children to grow up to be successful problem-solvers. However, teaching problem-solving skills can be challenging. It is essential to teach… read more
8 Reminders for tough moments
When your child is having a tough time, it can be isolating, confusing, and even exhausting. The practice of self-kindness and grounding in the knowledge… read more
10 simple ways to encourage your child to read
Reading helps your child’s well-being, develops imagination and has educational benefits. Just a few minutes a day can greatly impact children of all ages. 1…. read more
4 Ways to develop perspective-taking in younger children ages 7 and below
An important social skill is being able to look beyond one’s own viewpoint and consider another’s. How are they feeling?What are they thinking?What impact am… read more
How to identify your child’s strengths and cultivate them
One psychologist has the secret to finding your child’s strengths, unleashing their innate potential and a free printable to encourage their inner genius. (Free printable… read more
12 simple strategies to improve concentration in kids
Kids sometimes have trouble focusing just because they are kids. It’s hard to pay attention when other students are laughing during class. During chores, friends… read more
Activities and Games to Improve Concentration
How to improve concentration in our kids? It is common for parents to ask this question when they notice their children are having difficulty staying… read more
25 Science & Math activities for preschoolers that you can do at home
Preschoolers enjoy hands on learning. Children learn best by playing. During play, a child develops concepts and understands how things and ideas fit together. Children… read more
How do you encourage a child to name their emotions?
Parenting experts say spending a little more time helping a child name their emotions could lead to fewer tantrums and a more positive day. There… read more
6 ways to help your child cope with rejection
Talking to our children about their emotional pain is just as important as treating their physical pain. Here are six things you can do to… read more
5 easy ways to teach children compassion and empathy
Raising children with the ability to empathise is key in creating a kinder, more compassionate and loving world. Want a free feelings word list? Keep… read more