生命树 Tree of Life (Mandarin)

在您的日常生活中,神的话语如何变为现实? 生命之树虔诚的博客系列记录了三位牧师和长老的生平以及他们每天对圣经的反思。



生命树 Tree of Life (Mandarin)

在您的日常生活中,神的话语如何变为现实? 生命之树虔诚的博客系列记录了三位牧师和长老的生平以及他们每天对圣经的反思。

生命树 | 第15集 | 冤狱

本日经文 [诗篇 31:14-15] "“耶和华啊,我仍旧倚靠你,我说:“你是我的神。我终身的事在你手中,求你救我脱离仇敌的手和那些逼迫我的人。"

若你想参访一间与陈嘉鸿牧师有关的教会,请到:https://adventist.org.sg/churches/ 寻找离你最近的教会。

请到 https://hopechannel.sg/treeoflife 观看更多集的生命树。


Tree of Life Mandarin | Ep 15 | Imprisoned Wrongly

Scripture Verse for the day | [Psalm 31:14-15] "But I trust in you, Lord; I ...
say, “You are my God.”My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me."

If you would like to visit a church affiliated with Pastor Jia Hong, please visit: https://adventist.org.sg/churches/ to find the nearest church.

Watch more episodes of Tree Of Life at https://hopechannel.sg/treeoflife
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Tree of Life (Youth Edition)

Tuesdays Together

Let’s Pray (Live)

A Word for Your Family 2

Tree of Life

14 Prayers For Our Teens


生命树 | 第15集 | 冤狱

本日经文 [诗篇 31:14-15] "“耶和华啊,我仍旧倚靠你,我说:“你是我的神。我终身的事在你手中,求你救我脱离仇敌的手和那些逼迫我的人。"

若你想参访一间与陈嘉鸿牧师有关的教会,请到:https://adventist.org.sg/churches/ 寻找离你最近的教会。

请到 https://hopechannel.sg/treeoflife 观看更多集的生命树。


Tree of Life Mandarin | Ep 15 | Imprisoned Wrongly

Scripture Verse for the day | [Psalm 31:14-15] "But I trust in you, Lord; I ...
say, “You are my God.”My times are in your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me."

If you would like to visit a church affiliated with Pastor Jia Hong, please visit: https://adventist.org.sg/churches/ to find the nearest church.

Watch more episodes of Tree Of Life at https://hopechannel.sg/treeoflife
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